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MENTAL HEALTH EDIT: How to look after your mental health whilst working from home

Whitcombe HR

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

With the current advice for businesses across the UK to start preparing for a lock down, more and more companies are now asking their staff to work from home. This is something that we practice a lot at Whitcombe HR, but if you’ve never worked from home or on your own before, then the thought might be a bit daunting to begin with. To help you keep on top of your work-load, but more importantly to ensure your mental health is taken care of, we have put together a list of some of the things we do to help us get through the working day. With the huge amount of social media coverage around Covid-19 it comes as no surprise that some of us are beginning to feel anxious and unsure of what lies ahead, so we have also incorporated some wellbeing tips to include in your daily routine to help combat stress and uncertainty – all you have to do is click on the links. Whitcombe HR’s top tips for working from home:

  • Set your alarm as if you were physically going into work – you will feel on top of your day and ready to go

  • Set and follow a schedule – setting small goals and achieving them throughout your working day can feel like a great achievement

  • Get up, showered and dressed – it will wake you up and get you in the mood to work

  • Go for a short walk to clear your head before you start your day – there’s nothing like fresh air to get you inspired (and if you have a dog they will be happy too)

  • Find a place to work in your home without distractions – a small plant and a candle can make all the difference to your workspace too

  • You may get distracted – when you feel you are, take 5 minutes to step away and make a drink just like you would have done if you were in work

  • Call or skype your colleagues to keep in touch throughout the day – this is a great way to keep motivated and still feel like you’re part of a team

  • Try to get moving, do yoga or meditate in your break time – there are now loads of great ‘live’ exercise classes online and they don’t have to take too long. Videos like ‘fit in five’ can give you a real boost. Here are some of our favourites:

  • Track your feelings on an app or write them down daily – why don’t you share them with some of your colleagues if you think they might be feeling the same? Daylio is a great app that we like to use.

  • If you are concerned about anything that you are feeling, make sure you raise this with another member of staff – you will not be alone and there will always be someone there to help.

We hope that these tips help and for any small business requiring further HR advice during these uncertain times you can contact us by calling 07534359255 or email We will be updating our advice as and when things change so stay in touch and keep on eye on our website and our social media channels.

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